Kitchen Sinks
Kitchen Creations ‘Westside’.
Below are the most common kitchen sinks . There are thousands of sinks and taps available from stainless to stone. Give us your requirement and we will source it for you.
All sinks come with wastes
SINK AND TAP (combo)
This sink can be right hand or left hand.
This is the most common sink and tap combination.
$352.00 inc. tax.
Sink (separate) — $ 261.00
Mixer tap (separate) $99.00 inc. tax.
Kitchen Sink (double bowl with drainer).
This sink can be right hand or left hand.
$ 311.00 inc. tax.
Kitchen Sink
Double bowl without drainer with tap hole in sink.
$ 268.00 inc. tax.
Kitchen Sink
Below is a square modern sink with deep bowls.
The tap hole needs to be put in benchtop behind sink.
$ 338.00 inc. tax.
$366.00 inc tax.